full-time faculty
4,200 ft2
student occupied space in the Seamans Center
Center Support
Center Support includes both overall support of the organization of the Center, plus support of research projects.
Mission Statement
The Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims to catalyze the development of new areas of study and expanded research opportunities in informatics areas related to the basic biological sciences, and applied medical research. Founded in 2002 as a joint enterprise spanning the Colleges of Engineering and Medicine and Science, the CBCB involves faculty from 5 Colleges, 7 Afilliated Centers/Institutes/Cores, and more than 19 departments. It serves as a coordinating home for interdisciplinary research, undergraduate, pre- and post-doctoral training, as well as faculty recruiting and professional development. At the hub of an inherently interdisciplinary field, the goal of the CBCB is to assist in overcoming traditional disciplinary hurdles to collaboration and assist in utilizing state of the art instrumentation and analysis methods needed by 21st century biomedical and basic science research.